Training is a key part of the student experience. Our programme recognises the need to develop bioscientists with a range of research skills, such as core mathematical and data analysis skills, as well as broader professional competencies that are necessary for bioscience research in the coming decades. Our training programme also aims to foster the building of strong relationships across and within our three partner universities. To these ends we offer a structured programme of cohort-wide training modules developed specifically for the DTP. The core events of the annual training schedule are:
- Spring training day: bringing together the whole cohort with training tailored to each year group. Focusing on statistical analysis (1st – 2nd years), employability, public speaking and thesis and viva preparation (3-4th years). Social activities and cohort building activities are also incorporated.
- Summer Annual General Meeting (AGM): bringing together the whole cohort again for a presentation of 4th year research and other training and social activities, with input from our Strategic Advisory Board (SAB).
- New starter induction events: Soon after our new starters join us in October, the Student Reps will organise a welcome event to outline what to expect from the DTP experience and to provide an opportunity to meet others on the DTP at your university.
- Residential: An opportunity for the 1-2nd years to spend several days together at an off-site residential activity centre in October/November e.g. in the Lake District. 3-4rd years will also be welcome to take up spare places.
- December Symposium: A celebration of the research of our PGRs. The symposium offers the opportunity for 4th years to present their research or PIPS experience to the rest of the cohort, and for 3rd years to present research posters. We also welcome inspirational keynote speakers. Click here for an overview of previous symposiums.
In addition to these core events the DTP Reps organise socials throughout the year, as well as Special Interest Groups which enable cross-University discussion of a range of research topics. Masterclasses in specific research topics will also be held throughout the years by academics from our universities.
In addition to the above DTP-organised training there is a range of training courses, seminars, conferences and other events offered across the White Rose universities. Student’s supervisory teams offer further support in reflecting on their progress and identifying individual training needs.

During their PhD, in the middle years of their training, students undertake a 3 month Professional Internship for PhD Students (PIPS). This is a very important component of our DTP and gives our students the opportunity to gain experience of work in a professional environment, as well as acquiring transferable skills that will be beneficial in their future careers. Our flexible PIPS scheme will enable students to find placement opportunities tailored to their own needs. The process is student-led and we ensure that each student is supported through the process of applying and securing a PIPS by specialised professional development co-ordinators based at each of the universities.
More details about past and upcoming centrally organised training can be found from the Training dropdown menu or hyperlinks above. We review and update our training in response to student feedback to enable us to provide relevant and interesting training sessions, which will enhance our student’s research experience and career prospects.